Tofino Wilderness Resort


Tofino Wilderness needed a complete brand and web solution created for them before their resort opens in the summer of 2018 and they came to Studiothink to see it through. The client wanted something illustrative that would look great on the side of the boat and show both the land and sea aspects of the resort. That’s where I worked with the strategist and came up with the illustration idea to merge a local creature of the land with one of the ocean and thus the “whalebear” was born. Once the logo was settled on, we then designed/developed a classy minimalistic site to match the vibe that they wanted the resort to have. They wanted a simple single page site where they could show the basic info and have people sign up to get more information on the opening date of the resort. We also created some basic stationary items that were cohesive with the rest of their materials.

Visit the website to see more!